Trade Crypto

If you enjoy trading stocks, you’ll likely love trading cryptocurrencies. The trading interface and features for crypto are very similar to that of traditional stock trading platforms. However, unlike the stock exchange, the crypto exchanges are open 24/7! In addition, some exchanges offer sign-up bonuses, margin and futures trading, staking, interest-earning, airdrops, and more. Exchanges I have used include CoinbasePro, Gemini, Kraken, Kucoin, Robinhood, and others.


Many crypto exchanges offer sign-up bonuses. Sign up with one or all of the exchanges listed below to learn more and start trading cryptocurrencies.

You can easily trade crypto with Coinbase. Log in online with your favorite web browser or with mobile apps. Once you sign up with Coinbase, you can access the advanced trading terminal with the CoinbasePro app or sign onto
Coinbase - Crypto Ben

Gemini makes crypto trading easy for beginners. The user interface is clean and straightforward. For the advanced trader, Gemini offers a more traditional trading terminal in ActiveTrader. Sign up with Gemini and get $10 of bitcoin after you buy or sell $100.
Gemini Cryptocurrency Exchange - Crypto Ben

KuCoin is full-featured with a rich selection of cryptocurrencies. Features include margin and futures trading, bonuses, and rewards. They claim 1 Out of 4 Crypto Holders Worldwide Is with KuCoin.

Manage and automate all your crypto exchange portfolios in one place. Read Cryptocurrency Management with Shrimpy.

Robinhood offers stock and options trading and buying, selling, sending, and receiving bitcoin and other crypto assets with Robinhood. Sign up with Robinhood and get a free stock.
Robinhood - Crypto Ben

You can even trade stocks that expose you to bitcoin and other cryptos—for example, Grayscale’s Bitcoin Investment Trust (Stock ticker: GBTC) on the NYSE. With GBTC, you can own shares of bitcoin in your traditional stock or retirement portfolio. Bitcoin mining companies include, but are not limited to, Marathon Digital Holdings (NASDAQ: MARA) and Riot Blockchain, Inc. (NASDAQ: RIOT).

Important notes! The exchanges listed above are ‘centralized’ exchanges. That means you trust the exchanges to safeguard your assets and honor your trades and withdrawals. So do not deposit what you are not willing to lose! And as we crypto peeps say, “Not your keys? Not your coins!”

There do exist, however, Decentralized Exchanges or “DEX”s. More to come about decentralized crypto exchanges.

Remember, cryptocurrencies are highly volatile! So trade with caution and, again, never trade more than you’re willing to lose.

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